is a simple R crosswalk package for adding various county-level identifiers (name, FIPS, GNIS codes) that may be missing from your dataset. The purpose of this program is to facilitate merging datasets that do not share a common identifier.
You can install the latest version of countyfipsR
from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
The get_countyfips()
function can be used to call a tibble filtered by specified state or territory.
dataIL <- get_countyfips(state = "illinois")
# A tibble: 6 × 7
fips county_name state_name state_abb state_fips county_fips county_ns
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 17001 Adams County Illinois IL 17 001 424202
2 17003 Alexander County Illinois IL 17 003 424203
3 17005 Bond County Illinois IL 17 005 424204
4 17007 Boone County Illinois IL 17 007 424205
5 17009 Brown County Illinois IL 17 009 424206
6 17011 Bureau County Illinois IL 17 011 424207