School of Public & Global Affairs
Northern Illinois University
April 11, 2024
Who do local governments serve?
Which side you come down on has implications for both how you view local government and how you view state intervention in local affairs.
The number of distinct units of local government within a given area.
The distribution of service delivery and/or revenue generation responsibilities.
The degree to which the state has delegated authority to local governments. One end of a spectrum with centralization.
Fragmentation or concentration may be horizontal or vertical
It is possible to have a high degree of fragmentation and a high degree of concentration at the same time
Much research has been conducted on the horizontal elements
Much less work on the vertical arrangements
A trend toward state centralization over time
How does this manifest?
Regulatory space
The use of coercive methods to substitute state priorities for local policymaking (Goodman, Hatch, and McDonald III 2021)
Note: none of these are about the balance of service delivery or revenue generation between state and local governments.
Plenty of empirical evidence
On a normative level, we are seeing conflict over who local governments serve
Loss of autonomy
Difficulty responding to resident demands
Complexity in delivering services when policy implementation is full of compliance checks
How do we think about the previous literature on local government fragmentation and concentration when (some) states preempt away meaningful differences between local governments?